Health Medical Programs

Volunteer Service & Support Nepal (VSSN) and Health Centers  jointly offer On-the-Job and field Placement Training (A Medical Internship Program ) for international academic groups, pre-medical students and individuals. VSSN works with some community owned and government health centers and hospitals in Nepal. Guiding Principles: " Health is not merely an issue of doctors, social services and hospitals. It is an issue of social justice". Access to Primary Health Care: We provide universally accessible primary health services to all the people irrespective of their ability to pay. Community Participation and Partnership: We have a model of community participation of individuals, families, and communities in strengthening the organization for their own heath and welfare.

Inter-sectional Coordination: We interconnect other related sectors and aspects of national and community development issues with health care interventions. Appropriate Technology: We use the technology that is scientifically sound to deliver health services and we are sensitive to the positive cultural practices and ethics, adaptable to local needs and acceptable to those who apply it with the principle of self reliance with the resources the community can afford.
The Dream: To be an international model of self-reliant Comprehensive Health Care and Resource Center with full community participation.
The Services

Clinical Services: It consists of a team of clinicians, paramedics and midwives that provide general health and MCH and RH services to the families.
Family Health Services Under Community Health Micro- Insurance Scheme
General Health Services:

General OPD, Clinical Laboratory, Pharmacy, Minor Surgical Procedures, In-patient Care, Community Oral Health Services, Community Mental Health Services, 24 hour Emergency Services, Ambulance Service, Community TB DOTS Service, MCH and RH Services, Birthing Center and Postnatal Observation, Antenatal and Postnatal Services, Family Planning Services
Well Baby Clinic
Immunization Services, Growth monitoring
Nutrition Education, Promotion and Rehabilitation Service:
School Health and Nutrition Program
Referral Service
Community Health Services: It consists of a team of community health workers and community volunteers that provide community empowerment, education and social marketing services.
School Health Program
Environmental Health Program
Community Mobilization through Trained Birth Attendants (TBA), Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV), Ward Health Promoters (WHP) and local CBOs
Awareness Raising Activities, and Social Marketing of the Service and Products.
Training and Resource Services
It consists of a team of professionals and associate consultants that provide community based training and meeting in order to empower the community groups, and professional training, facilitation and consultancy.
Community Training
TBA Training, FCHV Training, Traditional Healers Training, Ward Health Promoters Training, Nutrition Training, First Aid, and Reproductive Health Training to School, Students and Teachers
Professional Training
On-the-Job and field Placement Training to Academic Groups and Individuals, Tailor-made Training Interventions, Health Care Management Interventions,
Research and Study, Training Hall and Resource Library
If you want to extend your helping hands in strengthening any of the services by providing physical or financial support, please contact us.
Volunteers may participate in following health center activities:
Our health center is based on the universal principles of Primary Health Care. It means the health center provides integrated approach of essential health care. For example;
1) General Health services that include general OPD, community mental health clinic, community oral health clinic, community TB DOTS services, pharmacy, emergency, minor surgical procedure, clinical laboratory under health micro-insurance scheme.
2) MCH and Rh services: Immunization, Family Planning, Well baby clinic, ANC/PNC, Birthing center, Out reach MCH clinics.
3) Nutrition services: Direct Weighting Scale clinic, routine child growth monitoring, nutrition education, rehabilitation for malnutrition cases, home based malnutrition follow up, production, promotion and marketing of Super Flour.
4) School health activities: Oral health services, Reproductive health education and awareness.
5) Environmental health services.
6) Short-term training for community volunteers, and health professionals.
7) Internship and field placement training for students and professionals.
If you want to do public health surveys, it is also possible. You may involve yourself in learning:
a) Management of health care delivery system of Nepal.
b) Operational approach of cost effective rural health care system.
c) Approach of community mobilization for sustainability of rural health care.
d) You may also visit some of government health care provider institutions, and a Leprosy hospital.
Contact Person in Hungary:
Dr. Zavori Laszlo
(Dr. Zavori is our previous medical volunteer)
Phone: +3670-605-8470